Appulate release 01/24/19

Requests marked as submitted

Since you or employees of your agency may work with markets outside Appulate but at the same time actively use Appulate for tracking the progress and productivity, we allow you to mark “Weblink” and “Email” requests for quote as “submitted” to these markets while they are actually not.

You or the employees of your agency may fill out a form on a market’s web portal to make a submission and want, for any reason, to register this information in the Appulate system. In this case, a duplicate submission to this market looks inappropriate whereas you cannot benefit from the Appulate functionality (change the Submission status, upload quote documents, or bind the policy) until the formal submission is made.

The introduced solution is to click the right section of the Submit button and then click the Mark as Submitted command on the RFQ interface. This action emulates the situation as though a real submission via Appulate had been made.

Note: Markets that use a web portal for a particular insurance line are registered with Appulate as ones supporting a Weblink or Email submission for this insurance line. Thus, the action is applicable only to Weblink and Email submission types, no matter whether a standard submission is allowed or not.
