Appulate release 12/21/17

Changes in Appulate statuses

We have updated the system of Appulate statuses introduced earlier and added two new Record statuses: “Quote Prepared” and “Quote Released”.

The users of a market see “Quote Prepared” when a quote document has been uploaded, generated, or received by this market but has not been sent to the agency. Earlier the Record status of “Quote in Progress” was shown in this case.

Quote Released” – when a prepared quote document available to this market has been released, i.e. sent to the agency. Earlier the Record status of “Quoted” was shown in this case.

The users of an agency

  • see “Quote Prepared” when a quote document has been received by this agency. Earlier the Record status of “Quoted” was shown in this case.

Note: “Quote Released” is not available to agency users. “Quoted” is no longer used in Appulate.

For detailed information about statuses in Appulate and their meanings, see Appulate Statuses.
