UI changes to the market and quote buttons

We’ve worked hard to improve the appearance of market and quote buttons on the RFQ interface, making sure you get the best user experience. Previously these buttons were displayed as icons, and now they have been redesigned and grouped, making the interface look neater and structured better.

Here are a couple of enhancements you’ll find:

  • We redesigned main buttons (“Release”, “Request to Bind”, “Bind”, etc.) to make them easier to find and use. The color of a button indicates the availability of this action:
    • A green button means this command can be performed, i.e., you have fulfilled all the requirements and now can proceed further.
    • An orange button shows that this action is not available due to specific reasons (e.g., a market you are submitting to requires an appointment). These reasons are listed in a tooltip that will appear as soon as you hit the button.
  • We moved other relevant market and quote buttons to a drop-down list next to the main button (e.g. “Submit by Email”, “Cancel Binding”, “Send by Email”, etc.). Buttons in the drop-down list can also be marked with an orange or green dot to display their state of availability.
  • The “Remove market” button is also available in the drop-down list, it has been relocated from the “Market name” column.