7-2-2015 Release

Create Policy or Quote

When creating a new file in Appulate you now have the choice to create either a Policy or a Quote.

For policies, you will see options for Premium, Policy Number and Carrier.

7-2-2015 Release

For Quotes you will see options for Expiring Premium, Expiring Policy Number and Expiring Carrier.

7-2-2015 Release

Activity Log

Now there is a common Activity log at the company level. This makes it so that you don’t have to go into an individual insured file to view the activity log. You can now view and filter through all of the activities for your entire agency on one page.

7-2-2015 Release

Multiple email addresses

In your email submissions, you can now add multiple emails to the "To", "Cc" and "Bcc" fields.

Under the “To” field, email addresses are added by the dropdown that appears when you click on the “To” field.

In the fields "Cc", "Bcc" emails can be typed and separated by comas or semicolons.

7-2-2015 Release
